Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Task 13: Wrapping Up

Just to clarify, here's what's due today:

Task 8: Current Event Summary and Analysis
Task 9: Product Review
Task 10: The Life of a __________________
Task 11: Comments
Task 12: Reflection

Please go over your blog to see that you've completed each of these tasks.

If there are comments from me regarding changes, make the changes.

If you missed tasks from Mods 1 or 2 and would like to make them up, do so and let me know--you can still improve your grades from Mods 1 and 2, which will improve your quarter grade.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Task 12: Reflection

Today you will write a 250 word reflection on the quarter. Include the following information.

  • What you've learned
  • What you enjoyed
  • What frustrated you
  • Your favorite/best task
  • You least favorite/worst task
  • How blogging changes writing for you
  • Blogging in the future?
  • Any other information about blogging

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Task 11: Comments Please

Today you will read and respond to some of the writing your classmates have been working on.

Step 1. Read "Important Information: Commenting Guidelines"
Step 2. Carefully read a post on a classmate's blog.
Step 3. Write a comment, following the guidelines.
Step 4. Repeat. You should comment on at least 3 posts--each from a different blog.

Step 5. Review the DCALS Writing Blog to be sure that you've completed all the assigned tasks. Tasks 8, 9 and 10 are what's due at the end of Mod 3, so far. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Task 10: The Life of a _____________________:

Today you are going to write a short story with a twist--the story will be told from the perspective of an inanimate object--a hammer, a soda machine, a banana, etc.
1. Select an inanimate object, preferably one that is connected to your topic.
2. Find out as much as possible about this object using your best research skills.
3. Write from a first person point of view, using the pronoun “I.”
4. Include realistic details to accurately portray the inanimate object’s location, purpose, size, material, value, and life span.
5. Try to write at least 250 words, using correct grammar, a title. 
6. Include an image of the object. 
This website includes a bunch of great examples!

*Here is the "Lord of War" intro that we talked about yesterday. Hope it give you some ideas.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Task 9: A Product Review


Think of something that you use often and about which you have strong feelings. I love Origin's Vitazing; linked is a great example of a review on this product.

Include the following information in a 250 word review:
  • A description of the product --how it looks, sounds, feels, tastes, smells- whatever is appropriate
  • What claims the company makes about the product, or what it is supposed to do AND how lives up to these claims or suppositions
  • The cost of the product and where you can find it
  • Comparisons of the product to other similar products 
  • An image of the product

Monday, October 17, 2011

Post 8: A Current Event

Find an article about a current event--one that you find interesting and that pertains to your focus.

Read the article closley, then write a 250 word summary about it.

End the summary with your thoughts about the impact this event will have and what you think will happen next.

Be sure to create a link to the article and cite the source in which you found it. i.e. According to an article on Politico.com...

Monday, October 10, 2011

Task 7: Creating Community

Think of today's task as a blog role scavenger hunt and an opportunity to see what your classmates have been up to.
Answer the prompts in the form of a link; include a brief explanation for the ones that include an * (asterisk)
You may cut and paste the following prompts into your blog:

A blog that is similar to mine:
A blog that is very dissimilar to mine: 
*A blog that I think is neat:
A blog that has all the tasks completed: 
A blog that includes an embedded video:
*A post that I agree with:
*A post that I disagree with:
An image I like:
*A post with info that I'd use: