Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Task 5.5: Fixing Common Errors

There are some common errors that I noticed while reading through all of the blogs, last night.  Below, I explain two of these errors. I'd like you to skim through each blog post in the editing format and fix the following errors should you find them.

1.  Perhaps this common spelling error began because there does exist in English a word spelled “allot” which is a verb meaning to apportion or grant. The correct form, with “a” and “lot” separated by a space is perhaps not often encountered in print because formal writers usually use other expressions such as “a great deal,” “often,” etc. You shouldn't write “alittle” either. It’s “a little.”

Incorrect: Alot

Correct: A lot

2.  I (pronounced /aɪ/) is the first-person singular subjective case personal pronoun in Modern English. It is used to refer to one's self and is capitalised, although other pronouns, such as heor she, are not capitalised.

Incorrect: i really like it when students use the rules of grammar. 

Correct: I really like it when students use the rules of grammar. 

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